Our 2022 Garden

This year, we learned a lot from our community garden. Even though it was so fun seeing our veggies grow, there are a lot of things we learned and hope you learn from as well!

We wanted to start our garden with our own starters, to transplant into the outside garden boxes. For the most part, our starters were successful and were easy to transplant. We did learn that some plants we need to start a lot sooner. Some can be planted right in the ground and can withstand some colder weather. It was all a learning curve we hope to carry on to 2023’s garden!

What worked for us:

Around the end of February, we planted the veggies that could withstand the colder temperatures, straight into the garden boxes. For example; kale, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, and radish. Those were very successful!

Not too long after that, around April, we started our summer veggies; zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, and herbs. We used biodegradable starter cups and soil. Those also transplanted great and turned out amazing.

What didn’t work for us:

We definitely did not start our bell peppers and tomatoes soon enough. The tomatoes did shoot up once the heat hit, but we could have harvested more if we had started them sooner.

What are we going to do different?

Next season, we will be doing things a bit different! Even though we had a lot of successful plants, we know there is always something to improve on.

Our next garden, we will need to plan the placement of certain veggies and make sure not to overcrowd the boxes.

Watering has been a tricky one. Doing a lot of research, we discovered many people went different routes when watering their garden.

“don’t water too frequently”

“water frequently but infrequently”

As for us, we will water frequently when they are still starting, but reduce the watering once they are established. We learned that over watering can actually rot the root of the plant, which hinders the growing process.

Our advice?

We loved working in a garden, it was a great way to get outside. The guests loved it and it was a perfect conversation starter. We cannot wait for next year to get started all over again and learn even more. We hope to learn from our mistakes and grow (pun intended) from them and try new methods. Our advice would be to do your research on the area you live in. Make sure you can grow the specific plant in your area, for a more successful harvest. Knowing when to start them so that they produce a good amount of veggie/fruit.


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