5 Ways You Can Be Ecofriendly On The Road!

At Aspen Grove RV Park, we are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment and promoting sustainable living. With the warmer weather arriving, we are full swing into our busy season. With preparations planting our garden and so much more! While getting ready for this years garden, we wanted to take the next step to being a more Ecofriendly RV Park. We want to do our part in creating a better, and healthier planet, for everyone around us. Not only do we already provide most paperwork as digital copies instead, we also have started implementing new and creative ideas throughout the park to leave a smaller footprint. We wanted to compile a list of ideas and habits that you can start doing yourselves, as you travel. You may not know how you may impact the area you travel to, just by taking small measures!

1. Recently we have put in a composting station near our garden area. We encourage guests to share their organic waste with our composter, so we may use it in the garden or any other composting needs. Composting is a great and natural way to fertilize your garden and plants. This is helps with a drastic reduction of using harsh chemicals and fertilizers.

2. We are also proactive with selling items in our retail store that help reduce waste by selling reusable containers and bags. These items are also made form recycled materials. This is a great practice when traveling, so you can carry groceries or store items in these bags and re use them as many times as you like. The use of plastic bags is overwhelmingly increasing in the world, any help to reduce that is a huge step! We also have reusable drinking cups, mugs, and glasses. We love seeing our guests purchase these, knowing they will be using them instead of paper cups.

3. Save Water: Be mindful of water use and conserve it by taking shorter showers and turning off the tap while brushing your teeth. We encourage our guest to keep water usage to a minimum. If they request to wash their RVs, we inform them that using a controlled nozzle on their hose is a must. That way water is not running the entirety of the time. Within each of our facilities, specifically the shower areas and bathrooms, we have posted signs that encourage the minimal amount of paper towel use and water. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we are using!

4. Walk or Bike: When possible, take advantage of the scenic trails and walk or bike instead of driving. Tremonton is a small town and everything is easily accessible whether by walking or riding a bike. Not only is it a great way to get out, get some fresh air, and exercise, we reduce the amount of emissions we release into the air.

5. Respect Nature: Enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings while being mindful of the impact we have on the environment. Refrain from littering and leave the park better than you found it. We offer trash pick up services if our guests do not feel like they can make it to our dumpster sites. We also have maintenance observing the park to make sure there is no trash flying around and picking up anything out of place. We can all do the little, or big, things to make sure we do our part to leave a smaller foot print on this world. By following these eco-friendly tips, we can work towards a more sustainable world and lifestyle.


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